Bad ideas in website development
Дизайн и разработка на уебсайтове
this section of the site is open to all who want to participate in building the web design of their site. I know from practice that every sponsor of a site is experienced as a designer to some extent. It's not bad, but in most cases, instead of drawing eyebrows, eyes are removed... To find the balance between your ideas, please take ten minutes and read what we designers interpret as a bad idea for a site Empty and incomplete site Unfinished website, site with blank pages and pages under construction negatively affect the overall opinion of your website. Even if after some time you start the site with a new ... Fonts and information The information on a website is mostly presented in the form of text. The font is not only a means of conveying information, but also an artistic element that takes a direct part ... Visual and sound effects Each of you has come across this type of website - flashing everywhere, jumping text, juggling pictures, etc. The site looks like a painting by a student artist. The look... Change a site template Creating a dynamic website starts with choosing a website template from our gallery. The developed models are with sample images. Any website template can...